1. plm::Cigar
    Cigarette Consumption
  2. plm::Crime
    Crime in North Carolina
  3. plm::EmplUK
    Employment and Wages in the United Kingdom
  4. plm::Gasoline
    Gasoline Consumption
  5. plm::Grunfeld
    Grunfeld's Investment Data
  6. plm::Hedonic
    Hedonic Prices of Census Tracts in the Boston Area
  7. plm::LaborSupply
    Wages and Hours Worked
  8. plm::Males
    Wages and Education of Young Males
  9. plm::Parity
    Purchasing Power Parity and other parity relationships
  10. plm::Produc
    US States Production
  11. plm::RiceFarms
    Production of Rice in Indonesia
  12. plm::Snmesp
    Employment and Wages in Spain
  13. plm::SumHes
    The Penn World Table, v. 5
  14. plm::Wages
    Panel Data of Individual Wages